My favorite Iraninan song

Saturday, 28 April 2007

AND then...there were 3500.....!

3 5 0 0 0 , may seem just a number...But imagine just counting this like a clock , it will take an hour to count it in normal tone , with out any breaks.!!
NOW , this number is not just a number ...each and every one of this as you count is a person called " woman" picked from the streets .
Vague as it may seem to you, for not dressing up adequately....
Now imaging if this is going to continue, it will take at least 66 months to get through the Iranian population the idea of observing the dress code!
And of course for this range of activity, the SF has to conserve all their squadrons to make sure the operation is "effective" as assigned.
Now, the question is ....Why so much trouble?
I think the answer is clear for all of us here....

1 comment:

Irantattle said...

با سلام , گمان كنم كه شما فارسي هم بلد هستيد ..موفق باشيد اين كار را راادامه بديد ..